Ranked #14 in Demolition

Top Specialty Contractors #14 DemolitonEnvirocon was recently ranked #14 out of the top 20 Demolition Services firms nationally in Engineering News Record’s (ENR) Top 600 Specialty Contractors in the October 15, 2012 issue. Our Demolition Services business experienced a 37% increase in 2011, a significant growth rate among the 20 largest demolition services firms listed. “Envirocon is honored to be recognized as a leader in the demolition industry,” said Envirocon Director of Demolition Services, David Jacobs. “This milestone is a testament to the continued trust and confidence in our services from our valued clients including Fortune 500 firms, government agencies, and leading engineering firms nationwide.” ENR publishes the list annually and includes companies performing many different specialty services. On the overall list, Envirocon was ranked #122 out of 600 specialty contractors nationwide.

Envirocon provides the following Demolition Services in the U. S. and Canada:

  • Total/partial facility decontamination, dismantling, & demolition
  • Structure & foundation removal
  • Asset recovery & sale
  • Waste stream characterization/separation
  • Onsite processing of concrete, brick, & asphalt

If you would like more information on Envirocon’s Demolition Services, please contact David Jacobs at (503) 285-6164.