Celebrating 1M Hours of Safety

Inherent in our company’s values and fabric, Envirocon persistently promotes a strong commitment to a culture of safety. As our Sr. Vice President of Environment, Health & Safety Jeff Thompson states, “Safety is not only our top priority, but it is also a way of life. If we can’t do it safely, we won’t do it.”

Envirocon recently obtained a significant safety milestone of 1,000,000 safe work hours without a lost-time injury. This important safety accomplishment demonstrates that safety remains our number one priority and that we are continuously improving through worker engagement and safety management programs. Envirocon recognizes the importance of our employees’ continued efforts and invaluable teamwork in obtaining this remarkable milestone.

Commemorating this exciting achievement, each project team held a luncheon to recognize Envirocon’s dedicated women and men. At the Dunbarton Bay project luncheon, Project Manager Tripp Winfree provided his own grill at the job-site and personally grilled steaks for his project crew. Twenty-Five Dunbarton team members gathered to celebrate the safety accomplishment with fresh food, great company, and fond project stories. At the celebration lunch, Mr. Winfree iterated Envirocon’s appreciation to the employees’ continued safety focus which ultimately helped to achieve this important safety milestone. Further, he expressed his appreciation to them for keeping a safety focus attitude at both work and home throughout the 4th of July holiday weekend.

Envirocon is proud of our employees’ dedication and hard work in reaching this significant safety achievement. We remain committed to the values that helped us achieve this milestone; living our safety culture daily, collaborating as a team and continually seeking ways to improve.