Gypstack Complex Closures
Site Overview
Envirocon executed the closure of two phosphogypsum stacks (gypstacks) at a former fertilizer production facility. The scope of work included mass earthwork, placement of substantial quantities of liner, and installation of various trenching, piping, and conveyance systems.
Project Highlights
- Dewatered, excavated, placed, and graded over 1.5 million cubic yards of saturated and dry phosphogypsum
- Placed over 6.9 million square feet of liner including HDPE and FML to line ponds and trenches and cap graded phosphogypsum
- Installed 52,500 linear feet of trenching, underdrain, and piping for the conveyance of both clean and impacted stormwater
- Hydroseeded the entire site complex and provided ongoing operations and maintenance services as needed
- Completed over 296,000 manhours with zero safety or environmental incidents on the projects
Value Delivered
Envirocon worked with the client to review and field fit (design/build) the original grading and cap design of the gypstack cover system because the gypstack elevation was lowering and excavation quantities changed significantly as the stack dewatered.
yd3 Dewatered, Excavated, Placed, and Graded
ft2 HDPE and FML liner placed
Trenching, Underdrain, and Piping